By Rajan George
Fake Tears
The semblance of empathy proves too fake
When those who wail the criminals’ fate
Stood quiet as a stone when innocent
damsels were molested and killed
While tears of grief are in full array
For villains, expelled for crimes they did
They failed to sense the agony of the girls
Trafficked for sex, slavery, and trade
Rich and famous though they are,
Not a finger would they move to aid,
The cause they bemoan but still
Shed empty tears in vain display.
No passions, their voices were moot
To shield the weak, their eyes were dry,
When helpless victims endured
Heinous crimes by these fiends?
Bemoaning a cause devoid of merit
Rings hollow, and deserves contempt
Moral cord demands ‘Empathy’
For victims, not the oppressors.
Folks bereft of morals true,
Will bewail the culprits’ fate,
Sharing the guilt of all their crimes
Hold disdain for factual truth.
January 28, 2025: This poem was written when news reported that some prominent people shamelessly shed tears for repatriating criminals to their homeland by ICE agents, while they never raised a peep for the tortured girls who were raped, killed, and trafficked throughout the country and even globally. Then their lacrimal glands were dry to generate tears.