Tirupur (Tamil Nadu) [India], October 6 (ANI): Three children died and 11 others fell ill after suspected food poisoning at a private children’s home in Tamil Nadu’s Tirupur on Wednesday. According to the district administration, the incident occurred at a children’s home in Tirupur run by Sri Vivekananda Sevalayam where 14 children started vomiting and suffered dizziness after having dinner on Wednesday night. The children were then rushed to a nearby private hospital.
After the condition of the children became serious they were bought to Tirupur Government Hospital. Child Protection Unit and Police are investigating the matter. Eleven children are now currently admitted to the Tirupur Government Hospital. Police are suspecting food poisoning behind the possible cause of the death of the children. A case was registered against the private children’s home.
“Three children died. Officials are suspecting food poisoning but the exact reason for the children’s death will be known after clinical investigation of samples. According to information from the private home, the children were served Rasam Rice as dinner. The food samples have been sent for testing.
The exact cause of death will be known after clinical investigation,” said Tirupur Collector S Vineeth. “11 children are getting treatment at Tirupur Government Hospital. Three children are in the ICU ward. The investigation is going on. A case has been registered against private home administration,” added the official. Further details awaited. (ANI)